Dependency Breakers
Remove dependencies by re-architecting parts of the solution
Dependency Breakers: Attend • Automate • Block • Contain • Coordinate • Decouple • Flag • Formalize • Measure • Prioritize • Redesign • Reteam • Rotate • Self-service • Standardize • Swarm • Throttle • Toggle • Visualize • Volunteer
Tackling dependencies head-on can be more effective than simply trying to manage them. Achieving true independence from specific dependencies may require a fundamental re-architecture of your application or system, which can be a complex and time-consuming endeavor. Though it may be challenging, it can lead to a more resilient and efficient system in the long run. Sometimes, the most effective approach is to embark on the path of redesign and architectural change.
Dependencies are not necessarily bad. Actually, there are many good reasons for people to depend on each other. But you have a problem when those dependencies result in value that is not able to flow.
Rules / Constraints
We have not yet defined any rules or constraints.

“We have broken the cycle of dependency. People have found out they're better off working.”
(Source: John Engler)